Solar Eclipse -Are you Ready?
The time for the Solar Eclipse is almost at hand, and this will be a very unnerving time for some and very uplifting for others. However it remains a great and powerful day for all because this is a day that we shall all be more spiritually attuned to the world that surrounds us. During this time it is good to await and feel, listen to that inner voice within you and not to make certain impulse decisions. I say this because your spiritual body is going through a shift and in this day and age we are in a very troublesome ad corrupt time mirroring some patterns of the ancient past but even more degrading. When the Solar Eclipse comes it is best to quiet your mind not do any strenuous work, let things subside, whether it may be past friendships or relationship matters because the Eclipse signals a time of an end or more in particular change. Just because it means an end it don't mean it have to be in a negative light, even if i may seem bad latter down the line it may probably set you on the right road to have more wonderful things to come into your life. In short what may seem bad could actually turn into something greater, and that is how most immortals view things, which is on a deeper level.
Renewal or a new energy is also present around this time sometime shortly after because by shifting to another plane within your mind, body and Spirit you will also attract others who are on the same frequency. The New Moon which is known in Witchcraft and Paganism or the Occult is greatly known for a new beginning. It is a good time to get your past affairs in order or make a great reconciliation with someone you may have had problems with in the past. When the Solar Eclipse is present think of this as a major reset button and to disregard certain things that does not resonate with you, at the same time this will probably be a turbulent time when emotions run high. Try your best to be under your best control and not to act to impulsive behaviour because you may regret it later on especially if tensions are very high. The ominous presence of the Eclipse marks a change not only within you but in the world around you and together the energy is very immense. I could already feel the power as it surges through me..Soon it will be here..
Spiritus"The Dark Prince"