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Kenneka Jenkins and Elisa Lam (Strange Cases)

Before I go on I must say that these cases are very unnerving and ghastly. They both involve murders of young women at Hotels but that's not all but how and in the nature on how and why they were murdered . R.I.P to both of them. Hopefully they may find out who is responsible for these cases and not leave this totally unsolved for many years. One recent case involves a young black girl by the name of Kenneka Jenkins who was 19 years of age and in the Rosemont Hotel which is located in Chicago Illinois how they said she wondered around drunk one night and how she fell in the freezer in the back -----so they say...I personally don't believe that B.S. Everyone connected in this case is also connected to high ranking people in that town and you could forget the law their full of crap. Plus there is more to it because there are many theories floating around on the internet saying that she was actually pulled into that room killed and had her organs stolen from her. Before some may dismiss this case you have to wonder why is the time stamp different in those videos like they have been altering with the footage. Number 2 they were all acting funny around the time she was in that room where Kenneka were in and of course number 3 their is something fishy with the owner of the place. He and his Hotel is into the organ business himself also a friend of Trump I may add. They actually found one video that shows her being pulled in.

These are both tragic and sad stories just maybe soon they will catch the killer/killers responsible for it. Here is more information below. Be sure to click on the picture and below is her last video in that very hotel. (Note it gets even more strange because that may not be her according to some reports but a hired actor)

R.I.P Kenneka and Elisa

Here is the video of her very last moments in that Hotel

The second case is much more stranger because their wasn't one person involved with this case, though it may just be something supernatural. Elisa Lam. For those who don't know Elisa Lam was a 21 year old Chinese woman stayed in another Hotel named located in downtown LA, California and this story although sort of similar takes on a trip of it's own. There is somethings in this world that can be understood and then again there are some things that are beyond this world and into the realm of the unknown. Elisa Lam suddenly was acting very strange in an elevator which never closed the whole time while she was in it. People may think she may have been suffering with mental depression but mental depression or any mental problem for that matter doesn't make an elevator door stand open for that long. It was as if she seen something or as if she was hiding fro someone beyond this plane of existence. Then how she showed up dead really shocked and amazed everyone because it wasn't natural to not trigger any alarms on a place you don't suppose to be and that was on top of a Hotel floating face down in a water tank unfortunately. To read this whole story click on the picture below. Also her last video is below

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