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Samhain/Halloween is coming! You're never too old for it!

The arrival of Halloween/Samhain is almost near and there are some ways that you can celebrate this special day. Remember first and foremost you are never too old for Halloween so to all of those people saying this and that even in your own family just forget them because they would be the first ones to probably to celebrate Christmas. Same difference in other words and it's funny out of all of the Holidays you will hear the I'm too old remark when it comes to Halloween especially when the so called in crowd or the some of the plain janes out there. You don't have to go around trick or treating if you don't wish to or feel unsafe but there are other ways to celebrate like playing Halloween Music (Just don't think it's the usual accepted mainstream songs heard on the radio at times See below) For those who are really out of touch with it's history and don't know about this particular Sabbat it's time to take a look back in history to see what this dark and mysterious day is all about.

For some this is just a Holiday where you may wear a costume, participate with others to have parties (like those who are in N.Y.C) and watch some great Horror movies. Even though some of the American traditions may blend in for some others like myself this is more of a spiritual day and signifies something far greater than what meets the eye. Summer and light has met it's end, now it's time for Autumn and the power of darkness to make it's presence known once again. A totally different world will come around this time of the season and some could feel the change within the air or the atmosphere in general. This is a time to slow down and have a deep quiet moment unto yourself or with others. You may also notice some strange events happening as well. That is because this is a time when the veil between both worlds are thin and spirit communication, divination and much more is easier to achieve. This day was held in great regards by the ancient Celts who preformed sacrifices towards certain gods all the way to the modern Pagans who hold certain rituals and prayers to their ancestors. Have pictures, music or etc to honor them and their name, you could also have a dumb supper and an extra plate out for to recognize their existence still among the spiritual plane. They also honor this day in Mexico and other parts of the world as Dia De Los Muertos, and plenty of people line the streets just as they do in NY to give praise and respect to those who have joined the other side before us. You know to some degree Samhain have some similarities to Halloween because this is a time for you to let your wild side come out and touch the inner depth of your soul. The shadow side that is...Their are many things you can do around this time even among friends or neighbors just don't let a stuck up bore give you the too old talk again!! Be free minded and if you enjoy this day, enjoy to your best ability. Until next time darkest dreams from Undead Necropolis.

Below here are some Halloween songs that you may enjoy and also be sure to check UndeadNecropolis out on Google Plus or

Here is also a documentary on Halloween

Halloween Music

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