The Future of UN (Undead Necropolis)
The future of Undead Necropolis still has a very long road ahead but however there will be a new beginning for the Undead Necropolis. I'm speaking of a new website..Yes! Unlike the current Undead/Shadow website that is more blog orientated focusing on worldly events , the paranormal/news from the shadows and /Gothic Art. The New Undead Necropolis website will be focused on Art and music because as some of you may know this is also a music/poetry label. To answer some questions.... No I am not shutting this current one down, it will still thrive as more of an Occult based news and art site from the shadows instead. Not to forget news that is related to the UN of course. Until further be sure to check out Undead Necropolis on youtube and subscribe. Also on Google Plus be sure to connect.