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  • The World Of The Undead

Anti Vaxx Movement

Updated: May 8, 2021

There are many people who are for what they say in the mainstream media and more but however here at The World Of The Undead we represent the "unheard voice" that sometimes they try to silence and ban on various Social Media platforms especially if you speak about the Covid -19 Vaccine. Now this isn't about whether the virus is real or not because we can see that it's obviously very real and its a threat to mankind and I personally believe in masking to prevent it from spreading. It's the Vaccine I'm more concerned about and the thought of this ever becoming mandatory and forced upon everybody in the worse case dystopian scenario.

You see here is where it gets very insidious and tricky; it could it be a common cold or the actual Covid that confronts you? Also could this be a plan by the powers to be to make this worse than it already is? It is big news for hospitals if another dies of a Covid death and could they wrongfully mark it as so or is those ventilators making matters worse when it get to your lungs? Is this a Pandemic or a Plandemic to kill off half of the Earths population for a more sinister purpose? These are some of the questions among others a person must ask themselves when hearing about the Coronavirus. Also known as Corona 666.

When people see from past examples such of how certain treatments that was supposed to help people take a turn for the worst for example the Tuskegee experiments which infected a lot of Blacks with Syphills and how other Vaccines is seemingly responsible for other ills and problems within the human body.

The truth is we can debate all day if these are long term and lasting effects or if they have any effect at all on a grand scale but their is a great problem that still persists beyond the realm of politics with Republicans, Democrats having opposing views in this age of misinformation. This was something created to cause confusion, chaos , and destruction. A true plandemic that has killed have many and this supposed cure of a Vaccine could be just as worse source to finish you off. It's sad Orwellian day and time if you make any post going against the grain having a different view with supported evidence that you would viewed as crazy and on top of that social networks (who also support the NWO agenda) would shut you down and mark it as false. Well they are part of the problem and can you actually blame people for being untrustworthy American government that was solely responsible for many atrocities throughout the years?

That is part of the purpose of this particular website to showcase evidence that would be shutdown elsewhere, mainly the big corporate news allowing people to freely think and see what they could be injecting themselves for life with based on various reports from nurses who were silenced and more that some would call call conspiracy. One thing is for certain it should never become mandatory.

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