Spiritus New Album-Nightmare Mix Vol.II
Spiritus new album Nightmare Mix Vol.II is coming soon this October!! It will be a continuation from his first Nightmarish HorrorSynth...
The Walking Dead
The main topic besides Spiritus new album Nightmare Mix Vol.II (which is coming soon this October) is The Walking Dead! Here is a preview...
Past Mabon Into October
We are now entering the Season of The Dead once again also known as the time of Halloween/Samhain. Mabon Blessings!
Ghost House -Alternative Clothing Store
Ghost House is a brand new and Alternative store dedicated to various subcultures, mainly the spiritual minded, the outcast, and misfits...
R.I.P Paranormal Radio Show Host Art Bell
Art Bell the fathering pioneer of Paranormal radio has died on April 13, 2018. He was born in Jacksonville, North Carolina on June 17,...
The Future of UN (Undead Necropolis)
The future of Undead Necropolis still has a very long road ahead but however there will be a new beginning for the Undead Necropolis. I'm...
In Dreams created by Spiritus Leach
#undeadnecropolis #Undead
The Undead Necropolis 2018